Donate | Become a Sponsor
Support for Master Singers Chorale of Northeast Ohio, a 501C3 Non-Profit Corporation, depends upon donations to maintain our musical continuance. The Master Singers Chorale is supported in part by free will offerings, donation and grants currently accounting for approximately 90 percent of our operating budget. Your tax-deductible donation is always greatly appreciated, and helps to further the cultural enrichment of our entire community.
Click on the Donate button to give a free-will offering or to become a sponsor by donating the dollar amount associated ​with the categories below.
Conductor's Circle of Honor
Conductor's Podium
$5,000 - $9,999
Conductor's Baton
$1,000 - $4,999
Chorale Tier
$500 - $999
Chorale Circle
$300 - $499
Chorale Advocate
$200 - $299
Chorale Associate
$100 - $199
Chorale Patron
$50 - $99